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an invitation to explore our innate compassion

Written by Anne Mitchell

with illustrations by Suzanne King


Available for online purchase at:

We Know is a collection of stories that explores how we experience the normalization of violence growing up in our cultures, especially with food choices.

It invites people of all ages to explore how they learned about our use of animals, and to consider how children in their life are learning about these things. To consider how those children might be feeling and give them an opportunity to explore those feelings rather than simply indoctrinating them into the worldview they were indoctrinated into.

This book invites us to explore and support our innate compassion instead.


reviews for

Mitchell strikes at the very core of the problem with our relationship with other species and the natural world: human supremacy, an age-old, violent creed that no longer reflects contemporary values but nonetheless persists today. And as human supremacy further distances and desensitizes us from the suffering of others, we become consumed by our own narcissism and threatened by our own extinction. For Mitchell, blindly passing these beliefs down to our children, without examining them, is the most serious mistake we could make.


We Know doesn’t politely ask to be read; No, its critical message commands our attention.


— Robert Grillo, activist, author, speaker for all species, founder and director of Free From Harm and Slaughter Free Chicago


Warning: This book may make you squirm. 

Or even change you.


In We Know, Anne Mitchell bravely confronts a disturbing reality: we humans have decided that we have no choice but to eat animals, a decision that contradicts the innate love inside of us, that is, biophila, love for all living things. Our decision, however, is based on erroneous assumptions, which Mitchell identifies and challenges.


As readers follow Mitchell back into childhood recollections of her love and compassion for animals—and her horror when she realized their fate­—they will no doubt recall their own similar feelings. Mitchell writes with simplicity and clarity, presenting weighty ideas in easy-to-understand language—without “dumbing down” the content. Her emphasis on love, compassion, and reverence for life inspires us all to make life-affirming choices. And to guide children to do the same.


— Pamela Wampler, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

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